Alevi Encyclopedia Project Committees
Definitions, Rights, and Responsibilities
Parties of the Alevi Encyclopedia Project
The Alevi Encyclopedia is a project initiated by the Hakikat Foundation (Netherlands) and the Rıza Şehri Academy.
The Alevi Encyclopedia is committed to delivering comprehensive knowledge of traditional and contemporary Alevism in all its dimensions through an online platform to the public. It adheres to the operational rules and publishing ethics outlined in this document. Prioritising scientific methods and academic rigour, the project aims to transfer highly manipulated and scattered knowledge about Alevism to future generations through contemporary information platforms.
The parties and committees managing the Alevi Encyclopedia project are:
(1) Alevi Encyclopedia Coordination Committee
(1.1) Hakikat Foundation (Netherlands) – Rıza Şehri Academy Board of Directors
(1.1.1) Alevi Encyclopedia Website Technical Committee
(1.2) Alevi Encyclopedia Editorial Board
(1.2.1) Alevi Encyclopedia Scientific Advisory Board
The definitions, duties, and mutual relationships of these committees are detailed below.
(1) Alevi Encyclopedia Coordination Committee
- The Alevi Encyclopedia Coordination Committee comprises members of the Rıza Şehri Academy Board of Directors and the Alevi Encyclopedia Editorial Board. It is the highest body responsible for the execution of the project.
- The committee meets at least once a month to evaluate the work of its three main branches (Rıza Şehri Academy Board of Directors, Editorial Board, and Website Technical Committee). It monitors activities and publications to ensure alignment with the planned program and content, making directive decisions as necessary. The committee may convene outside the established schedule if needed.
- The Coordination Committee members must work in harmony with the other components of the project in their respective roles. Public statements, written materials, participation in platforms, or any actions binding to the project must be based on mutual agreement among the committees, respecting the project’s overall framework and objectives. Any behaviour harmful to the project should be avoided.
- Amendments to the sections and articles in this document may only be made by the Coordination Committee through unanimous agreement during a meeting attended by all its members.
(1.1) Hakikat Foundation (Netherlands) – Rıza Şehri Academy Board of Directors
- As the project initiator, financial sponsor, and organiser of public activities, the Rıza Şehri Academy is a natural component of the other committees established under the project.
- The Board of Directors is represented by at least two members on the Coordination Committee.
- The Board is responsible for advancing the project in areas such as publicising it within the Alevi community, coordinating with other Alevi institutions, and representing it on international platforms.
- Public statements or publications made on behalf of the project must be in agreement with the Editorial Board.
(1.1.1) Alevi Encyclopedia Website Technical Committee
- The Website Technical Committee comprises representatives of companies contracted by the Hakikat Foundation (Netherlands) and individuals responsible for the project’s technical aspects.
- The committee provides reports and updates about the website to the Coordination Committee upon request.
- The Technical Committee operates under the Editorial Board for website design and content publication and implements changes as directed.
- Without the knowledge and approval of the Coordination or Editorial Boards, the Technical Committee cannot make changes to the website or make any statements on behalf of the project.
(1.2) Alevi Encyclopedia Editorial Board
- The Editorial Board consists of scholars in the field of Alevi Studies invited by the Rıza Şehri Academy. Members join on a voluntary basis but may be compensated if sufficient resources are available. Additionally, honorariums may be provided twice a year.
- The Editorial Board independently manages the publication process of the Alevi Encyclopaedia.
- The Editorial Board is represented by at least two members of the Coordination Committee.
- The board may invite new scholars or researchers as needed, subject to a consensus with the Rıza Sehri Academy.
- The board members are selected based on their expertise, academic experience, and commitment to the project. The total number of members does not exceed 11.
- Public statements or publications made on behalf of the project must be in agreement with the Rıza Sehri Academy.
(1.2.1) Alevi Encyclopedia Scientific Advisory Board
- The Scientific Advisory Board includes internationally recognised scholars and intellectuals in Alevi Studies and related fields, capable of representing the project globally.
- It works in collaboration with the Editorial Board and may participate in Coordination Committee meetings if invited.
- The board is consulted for publications and provides evaluations to ensure alignment with the project’s scope and objectives.
- The Advisory Board shares its insights and recommendations with the Editorial Board for the project’s progress.